homemade yogurt

Yogurt success!! I recently learned how to make yogurt from a colleague.  When he first told me, I thought it was too easy to be true.  Afterall, Williams Sonoma sells yogurt makers ranging from $60-235.  Surely it is a complicated art.  He assured me I needed nothing more than some his yogurt, which contained live cultures, and any milk of my choosing.  His wife added that it’s a tried and true technique passed down for generations in her family.  I was still doubtful.  That’s when he brought out his bowl of homemade yogurt.  It was delicious- not too sour, creamy, and kind of light. So this is what fresh yogurt tastes like.  I had to give making it a try.

It really is as easy as ..1, 2, 3.

1) In a glass container of your choosing, pour in any amount of milk you like. 

yogurt 1

2) Heat the milk up in the microwave until it bubbles (gentle boiling).  Let it cool to slightly above luke warm.  A thin film will naturally form on top,this is normal.

yogurt 2

3) Add in one teaspoon of yogurt with live culture and let sit for 5-8 hours in a warm spot, like a closed oven with the light on, or a warmed toaster oven.

TA-DA!! Yogurt!! Refrigerate if you want to enjoy the yogurt cold.


Tip 1: Save one scoop of yogurt to preserve the live culture for your next batch.  If you keep it up, you are guaranteed fresh yogurt for the rest of your life.

Tip 2: Prep the yogurt before you go to sleep.  This way, fresh yogurt is waiting for you when you wake up.

Who knew fresh and yummy yogurt was this cheap and this tasty.  I experimented with different types of milk too.  Whole milk will produce thicker yogurt if that’s what you like.  I even got away with using half soy and half milk (the darker one on the bottom right)!  Now you know as much as I do about yogurt making.  I wish you happy yogurt making and experimenting!

yogurt 3

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